Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Power Point Challenges

Our assignment was to create an interactive PowerPoint.  Since I am an Early Childhood Education major I created my PowerPoint for a 3rd grade English class.  First step was to locate a standard from Penn Dot Standards so I selected 3rd grade reading, writing, speaking and listening.  My objective for my PowerPoint was to help the students identify and interpret synonyms and antonyms used in a text. 

Since this was my first PowerPoint I encountered many challenges.  For example, I decided to embed a section of a YouTube video into my Power Point.  In order to do this I first had to research directions to embed a video, which led me to several online sources and eventually locating the directions.  Although I was successful in embedding the video; I was not able to edit the video to play only the section I wanted.  This process led me to research Free Studio 5 .  This is a free website that allowed me to crop the video. 

Overall, this was a great learning experience for me.  I have grown in my knowledge of technology.  Now that I have experienced and worked with PowerPoint I can see the potential of using this as a learning tool in my future classroom. 

Check out my  PowerPoint Project!


  1. I'm very impressed that you went out of your way to figure out how to include a video in your PowerPoint, great job :) !

  2. Great! You seem to have learned more from this project than I did! Also, thank you so much for the hint to the helpful website, now I'll know where to go to use such a tool in the future!

  3. Power point is pretty kool huh. I liked this assignment cause it opened my eyes to interactive teaching

  4. Although Karisa's post is brief it speaks to what I want us to do - share. Good job.

  5. I also put videos on my powerpoint. I tried to embed it too. But I just made it a link on some words.

  6. I can also see now how I can use this in teaching.

  7. I think that you went above and beyond to figure out how to embed the video. I think that I will have to check out Free Studio 5! Thanks

  8. Good summary, I like how you shared new things you learned as well :)

  9. This is useful i think i may check out this website in the future.

  10. That's super cool - thanks for sharing such a useful tip!
